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MoneyStance is an archive of money-making opportunity reviews, member blogs, and a discussion forum regarding making money online, in real estate, personal finances, business, self-employment, and much more.
Target Audience
Most visitors to are entrepreneurial-minded individuals looking for impartial opinions on the variety of opportunities to make money. Others come to participate in the community forums and blogs. If the product, service, or website you wish to advertise targets individuals seeking to make or save money, then this is the site to market. Here you’ll be exposed to webmasters looking for opportunities to make money online, landlords wishing to prosper in real estate, investors seeking an edge on the competition, mom and pops hoping to work from home or start a business, and many other people searching for ways to make money.
Site and Traffic Statistics has been hailed by popular bloggers as the soon to be authority on what money making opportunities are worthwhile. MoneyStance’s pagerank, alexa ranking, and traffic statistics (traffic logs reset mid March 2010) will be updated periodically and evaluated to determine the advertising rate for the following month.
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Advertising Options
If any Options you are interested in are not currently available, send an email to ads at moneystance dot com and you will be notified as soon as an Ad Space is vacant.
Option 1
SiteWide 300×250 Medium Square
Availability: 1 open
Price: $590 per month
Reach: Sitewide
Location: Premium location above the fold and all menus
Payment: Payments will be made via Paypal subscription service and will charge $50 per month. You may cancel anytime.
Option 2 Long Term
SiteWide 125×125 Square Banner
Availability: 2 open
Price: $250 first month, $100 subsequent months (6 months guaranteed at this rate)
Reach: Sitewide
Location: Above the fold in the right sidebar under navigation menu
Payment: Payments will be made via Paypal subscription service and will charge $25 the first month and $10 monthly thereafter. You may cancel anytime.
Option 3 Trial
SiteWide 125×125 Square Banner
Availability: 2 open
Price: $100 for the first month, $50 subsequent months
Reach: Sitewide
Location: Above the fold in the right sidebar under navigation menu
Payment: Payments will be made via Paypal subscription service, charging $10 the first month and $15 per month thereafter. You may cancel anytime.
Option 4
SiteWide 300×250 Medium Square
Availability: 1 open
Price: $250 per month
Reach: Sitewide
Location: Great location halfway down the right sidebar between Areas of Money Making Opportunity menus and MoneyStance Announcements
Payment: Payments will be made via Paypal subscription service and will charge $25 per month. You may cancel anytime.
Option 5
Sponsored Tweets
Availability: NA
Price: Varies ($50)
Reach: See Stats Note: Also published on Facebook
Location: Message Sent to all Followers, Facebook Friends, and is available for retweets
Payment: Visit Sponsored Tweets
Option 6
Email Broadcast Message to all NoBS Money Club Subscribers
Availability: Open
Price: $290 per Email
Reach: Approximately 250 Subscribers
Location: An Email broadcast message (identified as sponsored) to all double opted in highly targeting money making enthusiast sent on the day and time of your choosing.
Payment: We value our NoBS Money Club Subscribers list and do not send out emails lightly. All content to be sent, including all links contained therein, will be thoroughly screened for quality and value. We will not accept recycled material, your email must be unique, written in proper English, worthy of NoBS members, and at least 500 words in length. It may contain up to three links to sites of your choice, but they must be relevant to the subject of your email.
Payment shall be made via Paypal once your email has been approved after a check for quality assurance. If this option interests you, please send an email to ads at moneystance dot com.
Put “Ad Space” in the subject line.
Copy and Paste the following into the body and add the pertinent information.
Email Article with up to 3 Links:
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Paypal Email:
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*Please note: All prices are subject to change from month to month, you will be notifed via email if any ad space you are renting becomes more or less expensive.